The Dice.js module provides the attribute to specify how many dice (n), the number of sides (s), and the total adds (a), and per die modifier (m). The syntax to call dice is:
Dice.rollDice(3,6); //rolls 3 six-sided dice
Dice.rollDice(4,8,2); //rolls 4 eight-sided dice and add 2 to the total
However, dice may also be called via either of these forms:
Dice.rollDie(); //rolls a single six-sided die
Dice.rollDice(); //rolls two six-sided dice and sums them
Dice.rollDice("2D6+3"); //rolls two six-sided dice and add 3 to the total
Dice roll statistics may also be gathered by accessing one or more result object members as follows:
Dice.rollDice(6,6).score; //retrieve the list of dice rolls for 6D6
Dice.rollDice(3,10).equalOrGreater(4); //retrieve the number of dice scores for 3D10 greater or equal to 4
Enter dice notation like '2D6+2', '3D6:1', or '6D4-5:2'